We took on a challenging project again and the group really excelled! This design is painted on a 5"x7" pine board. The students drew the design then used a scribe to add detail to the barn and shed. They learned how to wash on colors and even mastered some patience in the 3 day process to complete the project.
We used a gift I recieved as the "original" and went from there. Trees were a bit tricky but everyone got the trees looking great and of different heights. Then there was the spattering of snow to finish the work off. What a fun mess. Everyone signed their work and as far as I could see there was not a frown on any face--far from it.
I am posting this larger than normal to be able to see the detail in the work. Hard to believe the group are 4th and 5th grade students.
January the kindergarten is moving into textures in art. This project fits into the study theme of day and night and earth. We started with a review of textures present in the classroom and a book, "Moon to Sun" by Sheila Sampton, then developed the picture focusing on which textures were in the picture. We used textured metallic tissue, sand paper, felt, cardboard, a perforated doily, cotton ball, sequin stars for examples of rough, smooth, bumpy, fluffy, and soft.
This is also a skills project on gluing and handling various types and sizes of objects. It is hard for the kids to remember not to put the glue stick on items like the cotton ball, felt, and stars as they stick to it. We also worked on how to properly close the glue sticks to return them to the tote.
The second texture project for the kindergarten was to construct the picture following directions to find a "fuzzy stem" and glue it on for a flower. Each group of students were given a plate full of items to "find" each type of texture from. The large doilies were rough and served as the sun the remainder built our flowers and gave the group an additional gluing activity.
The 1st grade took on a slightly different type of project to demonstrate texture by creating a mitten bookmark. Students were given a felt mitten and a selection of materials to identify fuzzy, soft, hard, rough and smooth. Each was able to create his/her own design then the mittens were attached to a thick ribbon to serve as a bookmark. It was a very popular project with lots of variety in the designs.
This is similar to a project we did in the kindergarten in the fall. Each student wrote their name on a sheet of paper being instructed to write it as large as possible and to make dimensional letters. The students were then instructed to fill the rest of the paper with a variety of shapes and fill each shape with different designs and colors, ie.: a square with wiggly green lines, a triangle with purple commas, etc. Once they got into the project the variey grew. At one point many of the students realized that a puzzel could be created by cutting out the shapes.