Sunday, April 3, 2011

2nd grade takes on space and completes the display

Take a styrofoam balls, styrofoam rings, a bit of paint and clay and the 2nd grade can create whole galaxies, well at the very least solar systems. The students worked in groups of 6 with each responsible for one or more planets, the sun, and moons. 

By the end of class they had everything ready to hang above their tables. 

A repeat of a previous project--we used paper towel tubes, paper egg cartons, construction paper and a heavy dose of imagination to create space ships to hang around our solar systems. 
Some had hatches that opened, some had fire to drive them, several had passengers, wings and fins were added in a variety of configurations. It is always great to see what they can do with the materials. 

Next week they will hang the solar systems to make the project complete. 

We were able to mount all the planets and their moons around the suns and hang them from the ceiling on foam core boards. The kids drew on and labeled the orbits then attached the balls to dental floss and taped them to the foam boards. Great look in the room!!

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