Pastel chalk drawings challenge K-1
Hands around the world seemed a good way to expose the 1st grade to chalk pastels and give them a bit more complicated project that required group sharing and coordination. I drew the circle in the middle of the page and the Americas onto it. The students had to trace around both of their hands ( or help each other get 2 hands on the page) around the globe. They then were to use colors of different skins on the hands and color the world blue, green and brown. Some got a little tempted but the colors available and the hands must be wearing gloves but they had an interesting time working together. I planned to work on a bit of shading but the enthusiasm in this group runs high and the parent volunteers are few. After they were done I sealed it with cheap hair spray.

The kindergarten class has been studying the seasons so a chalk pastel snow picture seemed to fit well with their lessons. They are also working on more realistic bodies for people with appropriate clothing and such. We started with blue paper to make sure our snow showed up then reviewed the person that would be in the snow scene then added a snowman. They really were excited to have the richer colors to use. We worked a bit on preventing smudging as they worked. I shot only a few as they were curling from the spray fixative.
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